As a 90s County Javelin and discuss thrower i admired Decathlete Dean Macey. Injury perhaps robbing the super Athlete of being a Millenium world beater. I studied his technique and marvelled and the multi discipline it took to Jump over 2m 15 and still run a 400m in 46 seconds. I once, compared my Limited Athletic endeavours to his but remember being quite proud of throwing a discuss just 6 m less !
Why am i bringing this up on a Fishing blog ? - well i've just seen his recent instagram post
and he has discovered Lure fishing for Bass ! It got me thinking of how someone new to the obsession might Improve their chances.
Dean is a Proper Angler and the water craft learnt on lakes and rivers is very much transferable. In many ways us Sea Anglers can learn a thing or two for those that fish for Perch,Carp and Pike among others . Unsurprisingly its the Lure fishing he seems to be most keen on and like many turning to the salt it was Heavy tackle that had previously put him off.
Lure fishing is the perfect antidote to 6oz leads and 20lb mainline.
So I was wondering what advice i could give him - Here are 5 things i have done over the past 30 years to Improve and almost guarantee catching decent Bass every year on lure.
1. Reading the following books have helped me think more about where the bass are, what they are doing and how to trick them
Bass fishing from a legend in the game, The Late John Darling. By many accounts a top Angler and also a really cool dude ! Written before the development of So called modern lures (they still had J13s ! ). There are so many clues in this book to point us to the what , where and why of the U.Ks Premiere saltwater sport fish.
How to read water is a delightful book, not just for Sea fishing ofcourse but its made me reconsider how i look at water and ultimately catch more Bass
Again another textbook Bass book from two of the countries most prominent Anglers.HOOKED ON BASS Although Lure fishing has moved on in terms of tackle but a Bass is a bass - Still and you will learn so much about your quarry here.
For knowledge of what a lure is doing in the water table an understanding of Fly casting and in particular mending the line will add to your Lure fishing abilities. Here in Hugh Falkus classic it is explained perfectly. Another example of approaching Lure fishing in the Sea from an unusual but effective Angle- Literally.
2. Find a Friend (who knows Bass )
Find a fellow Bass Angler and learn from them. Im not talking about falsely pretending to befriend the guy with all the secret local marks here. This is about the relationship, the exchange of Bassy ideas. Sharing your Blanks, fishing together or fishing apart and reporting back . Testing out theorys. Whatsapp each-other, call and chat, trade and send photos.

The learning experience compounds. This can happen wether they are more experienced than you or starting out. Let them hold you to account when you'r not out of bed at 4a.m.
What very often happens in the symbiotic relationship is you each have areas of expertise within your Bass fishing. I have a friend who's water craft is second to none , tides ,currents rips and movements. However he will turn for me to tie knots or i.d how and what the birds are following the bass shoals.Enjoy your blanks and learn, take notes together and build up the picture.Its a fun journey
3. Dive it or Spring low tide it !
All that knowledge you've gleamed from those books can be put to good use when scouting potential new marks. I find snorkelling new marks invaluable. Very often you will see bass but you get an idea for the water speeds in and around boulders , the shapes of rocks, Bass holes and reefs. Its a kinetic feeling rather than looking at the charts.*
4. Join B.A.S.S
There are some excellent resources from this club. A real emphasis on conservation and a great mix of established Bass Anglers from various U.K locations. The main benefit of membership are the back articles from decades of knowledgable Bass Angler. A huge resource for anyone from beginner to the best in the country. The articles on Big bass alone are worth the entry to this Association.
5.Youtube.... There i said it!
I make no apologies for including my video beginners guide to lure fishing for bass in this list. Ive listened and taken on board some of the best tips from the most experienced Anglers over the years.Ive been lucky enough to learn from some of the best. Id urge you to watch the 2 Part series and perhaps engage in the comments. Its not a complete guide but i
think it gives a good feel to what Lure fishing for Bass is all about. Regional differences are much debated but i stand by the commonalities in this 2 Part series.
Another video on youtube i watch every year- is this short series from a B.A.S.S a.g.m from the White Brothers fishing in the channel islands. This completely turned much of what i had learnt on its head (again literally when it comes to Lures at night) I urge you to take the time to watch this video. You might not want to float with current but in terms of understanding and almost being at One with the Bass this was a real game changer for me.
Summary Bass are very much a contradiction , Ive seen Lure colour and choice be absolutely essential, 6 Good fish to the Angler that changed the lure to a red underbelly . Then the same mark the next day it doesn't matter. Most of my big Bass have come as the lure hits the Beach but i've had situations where distance casting to a particular rock has saved a blank. Only Last year my most Prolific mark was over flat featureless sand. I had previously learnt that reefs and rocks on my local patch hold the fish. Well not last year ! So if there is a bonus tip here its something all the Best Bass Anglers would agree on and thats your always learning. Refining and enjoying the contradictions.
*charts are also an excellent way to look at bass marks- I use the Lowrance boat app here to put my self on the reefs from a kayak or aim a cast from the shore.
As a relativly new bass lure angler I can’t thank you enough for the blog finding Marks has been difficult and in some occasions dam right dangerous I’ve been lucky enough to build a good relationship with great local angler and I’ve respected knowledge and marks they’ve shared but I still blank most sessions but still love the buzz it’s been a difficult transition from fresh to salt I rarely blanked lure fishing perch pike Zander but I’d spent years learning water craft so I’m back on that new learning curve which makes fishing so much fun
An excellent blog. And thanks for books recommendation. I will definitely get the "how to read water". There is a whole series from the same author that looks worth reading! Cheers!